
Perinatal is the term used to describe the weeks leading up to a birth as well as the weeks following.  PANDA provides a vital service across Australia by offering the only specialist national perinatal mental health telephone counselling service, as well as reducing stigma around perinatal anxiety and depression, and providing education services to health professionals and the wider community.

The desired outcome is that callers feel supported, gain increased understanding of what they are experiencing and receive information on services and supports in their local areas. PANDA has access to a database of local services throughout Australia, these include PNA support groups, playgroups, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and other support experienced with working with families with perinatal depression and anxiety.

Volunteers for the organisation speak in forums such as playgroups and new mums’ groups. They also attend large public forums, such as the Pregnancy, Baby and Children Expo, which brings them in contact with thousands of people.

PANDA aims to encourage people to seek help early for mental health issues and is helping break down the stigma around perinatal mental health.