
For 30 days during the month of November you can ‘grow the mo’ for Men’s Health raising awareness of 3 major health issues affecting men. These being prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health. Funds raised for the Movember Foundation help to fund research enabling significant developments, initiatives, and support in Australia.

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia for men, even when the treatment of prostate cancer is successful the treatment can take a toll on the physical and mental health of those affected.

Depending on how far the cancer has spread when testicular cancer is diagnosed is dependent on the long-term survival. In general, the outlook for testicular cancer is good, most of these cancers can be cured even if they have spread. However there are still a small proportion of men and boys who do not face that outcome and these men need support through diagnosis and treatment.

Men experiencing a mental health issue often don’t recognise the symptoms and also may not be comfortable asking for help. Globally, a man dies every minute from suicide. Something has to change. The Movember Foundation hopes to raise awareness in the hope that men suffering from mental illness speak out. The campaign also hopes to encourage everyone to speak out whether you are worried about a friend, family member or workmate. This is often the catalyst for that person starting on the road to recovery.

Ontario Medical Clinic will be supporting this cause throughout November.