cancer-council-Daffodil Day

Unfortunately most of us know someone who has been affected by cancer, however cancer research is discovering new and better treatments. Cancer prevention campaigns are working, and support for those affected by cancer is improving all the time.

Ontario Medical Clinic are showing our support and helping to make a difference by supporting the cause and selling merchandise at our front desk.

Your support will help make a difference for cancer patients and their families all over Australia.

$5- Helps reach out to a newly diagnosed cancer patient, with support and information resources to help them navigate their cancer journey.

$25- Funds resources to support GP’s and health professionals advising patients on cancer prevention, screening and diagnosis.

$50- Ensures a cancer nurse is available on our free, confidential telephone service to offer support on all aspects of cancer.

$100- Allows the organisation to support childcare centres and primary schools taking part in the National SunSmart Schools Program.

$500- Helps fund the provision of telephone and web-based support groups facilitated by trained peer volunteers and health professionals.